School Design
School design is a specialty and we are the specialist. Our firm does nothing but school architecture. It is our job to stay in tune with national trends and highest quality services to meet the needs of school clients. Be it new schools, additions or renovations, the issues are the same. We are educators, serving educators. We actually listen and understand your needs.
Facility Studies
Facility Studies may be a stand alone service or part of a larger strategic planning process. In any case, we evaluate all your facilities and study options for you to organize your district and either improve existing facilities or build new. We provide estimates and expertise on funding options. We can even help you pass a bond issue if needed.
Site Selection
Site selection can be very important when trying to build new schools. We will help you evaluate possible options and rate them in a qualitative and quantitative basis to give you options that meet your specific needs.
Education Programming
Education programming is much more than just a list of spaces. As educational consultants we know how to ask the right questions to make sure your facilities respond to your education needs. Relationships, functions and capacities are all established at this critical level of service.